正常の精細管ではPLAPは陰性(発生初期に限られる)。同様にc-kitはA型/B型など分化型精原細胞に限られ,octamer binding
transcription factor OCT-3/4の発現はA型精原細胞
XY individuals with undervirilization syndromes
(c-kitではこのような分布を見ることができない: 年齢も重要)。
+, usulally positive; -, usually negative; +/-, variable staining; AFP,
alpha-fetoprotein, EMA, epithelial membrane antigen; hCG, human
chorionic ganadotropin; PLAP, placental alkaline phosphatase.
Ulbright TM et al. in Mills SE (ed): Sternberg's Diagnostic Pathology,
Ota S et al. Virchows Arch 2006
Testis (UICC 7th)
pTis Intratubular germ cell neoplasia (carcinoma in
pT1 limited to testis and epididymis without
invasion; may invade tunica albuginea but not tunica vaginalis
pT2 limited to testis and epididymis with
invasion, or extending tunica vaginalis
pT3 spermatic cord
pT4 scrotum
pN1 ≤ 2cm and 5 or less nodes
pN2 >2 cm to 5 cm or 6 or more nodes, or
extranodal extension
pN3 > 5 cm
pM1a Non-regional lymph nodes or lung
pM1b Other sites
S - Serum Tumour Markers
SX Serum marker studies not available
S0 Serum marker study levels within normal limits
LDH betahCG (mlUlml) AFP (ng/ml)
S1 <1.5 × N and <5,000 and <1,000
S2 1.5-10 × N or 5,000-50,000 or 1000-10,000
S3 >10 × N or >50,000 or >10,000
Stage Grouping
Stage 0 pTis, S0, SX
Stage I pT1-4, SX
Stage IA pT1, S0
Stage IB pT2-pT2, S0
Stage IS, S1-S3
Stage II N1-3 SX
Stage IIA N1, S0-1
Stage IIB N2, S0-1
Stage IIC N3, S0-1
Stage III M1a SX
Stage IIIA M1a, S0-1
Stage IIIB N1-3 S2 or M1a S2
Stage IIIC N1-3 S3 or M1a S3 or M1b