Malignant Melanoma

AJCC 7thに従ってUICC 7thの訂正が行われている (2011年05月)

pT1: ≤ 1 mm in thickness
    pT1a: Clark level II-III, without ulceration
→訂正版:≤ 1.0 mm in thickness かつ潰瘍なし,分裂像 1/mm2 未満
    pT1b: Clark level IV-V, or with ulceration
→訂正版: 潰瘍または1/mm2以上の分裂像が存在
pT2: > 1mm and ≤ 2 mm;
pT3: > 2 mm and ≤ 4 mm;
pT4: > 4 mm
    pT2a: ulcer (-); pT2b: ulcer (+)
    pT3a: ulcer (-); pT3b: ulcer (+)
    pT4a: ulcer (-); pT4b: ulcer (+)

N1a: microscopic single node metastasis
N1b: macroscopic single lymph node
N2a: 2-3 microscopic
N2b: 2-3 macroscopic
N2c: satellite or in-transit* metasitasis without nodal metastasis
*in-transit metastasis is skin involment more than 2 cm from
the  primary tumor;  saetllites are tumor cells ≤ 2 cm
N3: ≥ 4 nodes, or satellite, or in-transit and lymph node metastasis

M1a: skin or lymph node beyond regional LN
M1b: lung
M1c: any other sites, or any sites with elevated LDH

Stage 0        pTis
Stage IA
Stage IB      pT1b or pT2a
Stage IIA    pT2b or pT3a
Stage IIB    pT3b or pT4a
Stage IIC    pT4b
Stage III    N1-3 (IIIA, TaN1a2a; IIIB, TaN1b2bc or
TbN1a2ac; IIIC, TbN1b2b or N3)
Stage IV    M1


TNM of Paget disease

(1) MPD without invasive carcinoma on histologic examination
is classified as carcinoma in situ (Tis). MPD with a contiguous or
non-contiguous invasive component on histology is staged according
to the invasive component using the guidelines for staging of breast carcinoma.
(2) Primary EMP is staged either according to the FIGO
(Fédération Internationale de Gynécologie et d’Obstétrique) or
the TNM system of the AJCC (American Joint Committee on Cancer)
for vulvar tumours.
(3) Secondary EMP is staged according to the criteria
for the associated internal malignancy.

参考:Clark's level (使われなくなった)
I: in situ (pTis: atypical melanocytic hyperplasia,
severe melanocytic dysplasia, not an invasive malignant lesion)
II: papillary dermis
III: pushin' reticular
IV: reticular dermis
V: subcutis

dermis elastic

reticular dermisはreticular fiberが多い