
                            2014年4月作成, 2015年8月改訂, 2017年5月改訂


Prostate, robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy, status post hormonal therapy:
- Adenocarcinoma, acinar, Gleason score 7 (4+3), tertiary pattern 5 (1%).
    pTNM: ypT3a ypN1
    Prostate weight: 47 g
    Prostate size: 4.5 x 4.0 x 4.0 cm
    Percent of prostate involved by tumor: 20%
    Size of tumor:
        lt/post (PZ), 20 x 12 mm, GS 4 + 3 = 7, EPE1, RM0, ly0, v0, pn1, sv0, n1
        rt/post (PZ), 8 x 5 mm, GS 4 + 3 = 7
    Therapeutic effect: Grade 1 (<1/2 non-viable)
    Periprostatic fat invasion: Present (EPE1)
    Resected Margins: Negative for malignancy (RM0)
    Lymph-vascular invasion: Not identified (ly0, v0)
    Perineural invasion: Not identified (pn0)
    Seminal vesicle invasion: Not identified (sv0)
Lymph node, dissection:
- Metastatic adenocarcinoma (1/20)
    Therapeutic effect: Grade 0a (no degeneration)

追加になったもの [詳しくは CAP protocol を みた方が...]

Grade Group
≤6  Grade group 1
3+4   Grade group 2
4+3   Grade group 3
8    Grade group 4
9-10  Grade group 5

Percentage of Pattern 4 in Gleason Score 3+4=7 Cancer: ____%

+ Percentage of Gleason Patterns 4 and 5 (applicable to Gleason score ≥7)
+ Percentage of pattern 4: ____% + Percentage of pattern 5: ____%

+ Intraductal Carcinoma (IDC) (Note F)
+ ___ Not identified
+ ___ Present

+ Gleason Pattern at Positive Margin(s)
+ ___ Pattern 3
+ ___ Pattern 4 or 5

The value of perineural invasion as an independent prognostic factor has been questioned in a multivariate analysis.

• Needle Biopsy
• Transurethral Prostatic Resection
• Suprapubic or Retropubic Enucleation (Subtotal Prostatectomy)
• Radical Prostatectomy

Radical Prostatectomy
    pT2: Organ confined
    pT3a: EPE+ あるいは bladder neck invasion
    pT3b: 精嚢浸潤
    pT4: 他臓器浸潤(括約筋・直腸・膀胱・挙筋・骨盤壁)

    pN1: Regional lymph node (s)
    pM1a Nonreginal lymph node (s)
    pM1b: Bone (s)
    pM1c: Other site metastasis

Total linear milimeters of carcinoma (mm) / Total linear milimeters of needle core tissue (mm)

Histologic Type
• Adenocarcinoma (acinar)
• Prostatic duct adenocarcinoma
• Mucinous (colloid) adenocarcinoma
• Signet-ring cell carcinoma
• Adenosquamous carcinoma
• Small cell carcinoma
• Sarcomatoid carcinoma
• Undifferentiated carcinoma, not otherwise specified

Gleason Score
The primary and secondary grades should be reported in addition to the Gleason score,
that is,
Gleason score 7(3+4) or 7(3+4).
>95% Gleason 3 + <5% Gleason 4 = 7(3+4).
>95% Gleason 4 + ≥5% Gleason 3 = 8(4+4).

Margins: If Positive (apical, bladder neck, anterior, lateral, postero-lateral/neurovascular bundle, posterior)

Gleason pattern
1: 中型腺管,均一,腫瘍全体の境界明瞭  (まず診断しない)
2: 中型腺管,やや不均一,腫瘍全体の境界明瞭 (めったに診断しない)
3: 明瞭な小型腺管 (最も多いパターン)
4: 癒合,篩,hypernephroid, 不明瞭な管腔の小腺腔 (最も多いパターン) 
    予後が違うので 3+4と4+3は意識して区別のこと
5: 充実,索状,孤立散在,面皰 (比較的まれなパターン)

生検はPrimary (Predominant) Pattern + Worst Remaining Pattern
secondary が 5%未満でprimaryよりgradeが低ければ記載必要なし
%で癌の割合 and/or mmで癌の長さ/針生検コア組織の長さ。


Some urologists want to know what percentage of the cancer is pattern 4, if yours do, then report it
pattern 4 の割合を記載しよう(10% increment でOK)


Ductal vs. acinar の区別



RM1 は,patternを附記

ypT...ではGleason 不要


手術材料では The most predominant + The second most common
Tertiary patternはそれよりも大きいパターンがある場合に記載
腫瘍の占める範囲(%)か、dominant noduleの大きさを記載
high-grade PIN, AAH (adenosis), 炎症の有無
2つ別の腫瘍は別々にGleason scoreを記載
腺外浸潤; 精嚢浸潤(平滑筋に入ったら浸潤) アミロイド注意

pT分類, 予後グループ分類 (病理にT1, Group Iはない
解剖学的なT2a, T2b, T2cの予後的な意義は不明。
Group IIA    pT2ab and <PSA20 and ≤ GS7
Gropu IIB    T2c or ≥PSA20 or ≥ GS8
Group III    pT3a, 被膜外/頸部浸潤 or pT3b, 精嚢浸潤
Group IV    pT4 (直腸、挙筋、骨盤壁) or N1 or M1

Prostate Prognostic Grouping (UICC 7th)

Group I    (Stage I T2a)
T1a-c N0 PSA <10 Gleason ≤6
T2a    N0 PSA <10 Gleason ≤6
GroupIIA (Stage II T2b, c)
Tla-c N0 PSA <20 Gleason 7
T1a-c N0 PSA ≥10 <20 Gleason ≤6
T2a N0 PSA<20 Gleason ≤7
T2b N0 PSA <20 Gleason ≤7
T2b N0 PSA X Gleason X
Group IIB
T2c N0
Tl-2 N0 PSA ≥20
T1-2 N0 Gleason ≥8
Group III (Stage III)
T3a-b N0
GroupIV (Stage IV)
T4 N0 or N1 or M1