Mattsの生検組織分類 (1961)
1= Normal appearance
2= Some infiltration of the mucosa or lamina propria with either round
cells or polymorphs
3= Much cellular infiltration of the mucosa, lamina propria, and
4= Presence of crypt abscesses,
much infiltration of all layers of the mucosa
5= Ulceration, erosion, or necrosis of the mucosa, with cellular
infiltration of some or all of its layers
Matts SGF. Quart J Med 1961
大腸癌内視鏡摘除後の追加治療の適応基準 (2005)
1. pSM垂直断端陽性
2. pSM浸潤度1,000µm以上
有茎性で粘膜筋板錯綜例では粘膜筋板の基準線より下に腫瘍があればstalk invasion,なければhead invasion
3. 脈管侵襲陽性
4. 低分化腺癌 (tumor budding/sprouting含む?),未分化癌
cf. 簇出 (budding, 5個未満の癌細胞集簇) X20対物, 腫瘍先進部
Grade 1: 0-4個
Grade 2: 5-9個
Grade 3: 10個以上
1000 µm以上& Grade 2-3にリンパ節転移のリスクが高い
(buddingの定義: Ueno H, et al. Histopathology 2002)