
心内膜心筋生検 Endomyocardial biopsy (EMB)


半定量的評価:(–) (+) (++) (+++)

由谷親夫. 臨床医のための心筋生検アトラス (1997年3月) 医学書院 より


p. 15 心筋細胞肥大度の基準(厚生省特発性心筋症調査研究班による診断マニュアル)

程度        右心室        左心室 (µm)
–                〜15            〜18
+            16〜20        19〜23
++        21〜25        24〜28
+++    26〜            29〜

Cardiomyocytes of the right ventricle that are
≤15 μm in diameter are considered as not hypertrophic;
a diameter of up to 20 μm may indicate mild hypertrophy;
up to 25μm may indicate moderate hypertrophy;
between 25 and 30μm may be moderate to severe;
and a diameter >30μm is compatible with severe hypertrophy, based on our experience and unpublished data (Ishibashi-Ueda M et al. Circ J 2017;81:417-426) Significance and Value of Endomyocardial Biopsy Based on Our Own Experience


文献: 岡田了三編: 心内膜心筋生検光学顕微鏡所見診断マニュアル. 厚生省特定疾患特発性心筋症調査研究班昭和53年度研究報告書, 1978

p.18 心筋線維化のgrading (staging?)

0: 心筋細胞を一重の線維が取り囲む
I: 二重異常に取り囲む (collagen fiberが二重,三重になる,写真では10%未満の線維化)
II: 心筋線維束を取り囲む(写真では心筋線維と同程度の幅の線維に取り囲まれている)
III: 上記の線維が癒合(写真では50%以上が線維化)

文献: Yutani C, Go S, Kamiya T, et al. Cardiac biopsy of Kawasaki disease. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 1981 Sep;105(9):470-3.


interstitial (高血圧), replacement(心筋梗塞), perivascular (膠原病), plexiform (錯綜配列)

<figure 1>

心内膜肥厚 endocardial fibrous thickening or endocardial fibroelastosis:
elastica van-Gieson staining is needed.
The presence of ≥10 elastic fiber layers in endocardial fibrous thickening is considered abnormal proliferation.

p. 22 細胞浸潤と心筋炎

5/hpf以上を有意な炎症細胞浸潤と見なす(Edwards) (種類: ly, mono, eos)
軽度(散在性, perivascular, 1Rではone focusまでの心筋傷害-細胞質の淡明化・核優勢・scalloping)
高度(3Rではびまん性, 多数の心筋傷害; 浮腫/出血/血管炎があってもなくても)

文献: Edwards WD, Holmes DR Jr, Reeder GS. Diagnosis of active lymphocytic myocarditis
by endomyocardial biopsy: quantitative criteria for light microscopy. Mayo Clin Proc. 1982 Jul;57(7):419-25.
Stewart S, Winters GL, Fishbein MC, et al. Revision of the 1990 Working Formulation for
the Standardization of Nomenclature in the Diagnosis of Heart Rejection J Heart Lung Transplant 24:1710-20, 2005.

p. 33 心筋錯綜配列grading

1 focal, mild
2 focal, distinct
3 multiple - plexiform, 核異常

文献: St John Sutton MG, Lie JT, Anderson KR, et al: Histopathological specificity of
hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy. Myocardial fibre disarray and myocardial fibrosis. Br Heart J. 1980 Oct;44(4):433-43.
<figure 2>